Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Paper or Plastic?

Last week we participated in National Employee Learning Week here at the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority. We asked several of our employees if they would like to conduct a one hour seminar on a topic they felt comfortable presenting. We had several participants, 11 to be exact, covering topics from Swing Dancing (fun and hands on) to How to Procure whatever you need to procure (not so fun and hands on). One of the best was presented by one of our resident enviornmental scientists. His was on Paper or Plastic? He talked about energy expenditure producing each and then showed us graphs and this video to bring his point home. I thought you should all see it. Let me warn you it is a little disturbing.


1 comment:

Lorah said...

Yikes! This is very disturbing. I had no idea that this was happening.