Monday, November 26, 2007

Aesthetics of Video Games

As I mentioned, I have been getting 3 to 7 emails a day from New Media Consortium (NMC).
This is one that I thought our ED 834 group might find interesting.

"Trigger Happy, originally published in 2000 with the subtitle 'The Inner Life of Videogames', is a book about the aesthetics of videogames: what they share with other artforms, and the ways in which they are unique.... As a follow-up to my post on Amazon’s crippled and hideous Kindle, and the discussion at Mark Pilgrim’s place, I thought I’d try an experiment, and give away for free an “ebook” version of my first book, Trigger Happy, with no “digital rights management” whatsoever. It’ll work on anything that can read a PDF."

1 comment:

Lorah said...

I should probably read this. My middle son lives in this world.