Saturday, September 8, 2007

Maps Lead to Borders -- and Borders Lead to "Issues"

One of my co-workers forwarded this link and as I watched and listened, I couldn't help but think of the assignment to make maps important, especially to the young, as well as our discussion on culture, etc.

I hope you'll watch it all the way through, even though it is almost 14 minutes. Whether or not you like what he is saying, he's a master teacher with his use of charts and object lessons -- and still so matter-of-fact. He lets the data tell the story. Jade Winn would be so proud. If only I had been so clever in capturing the attention of the Jr. High age Sunday School class I used to teach :)

I find this issue gets people's blood pressure up in every direction and on every level. I think everyone, including our elected "representatives" needs to have this kind of information in front of them whenever they make decisions that have a permanent impact on our own culture.

I'm also including here the text of the person who forwarded to me.
Below is a link to an excellent video about immigration. WAIT! Before you hit the delete key you should know this is NOT just another email either for or against immigration. On the contrary, the link to the video below shows a presentation that simply brings to light how immigration has changed and will change America. It really defines the situation quite clearly. It brings out some key points that must be considered in light of any immigration policy that is developed, such as looking at the issues in the countries from which the immigrants come.

Again, it is not meant to engender hostile feelings toward immigrants, for we all know that our country is what it is today because of the immigrants that have come here over the years.

Below the link is an essay written by the man making the presentation on the video. You can tell from his essay that he is simply trying to bring to light key facts to consider before any immigration policy is created and passed.

A very enlightening video presented from a very objective perspective.

Best Regards,

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