Saturday, September 22, 2007

What Would You Say?

As you all know, since '03 much of my life has been spent dealing with end of life issues. It now continues with my father-in-law. Yesterday I heard about "this speech." "This speech about what you would say if you knew you were dying." As it turned out it was a speech given by Dr. Randy Pausch a professor at Carnegie Mellon. He has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer (what my father died from in '03) and has just a few months left. He finished up his career with a final lecture given on Sept. 18th. Dr. Pausch is the creator of Building Virtual Worlds at Carnegie Mellon and is the co-founder of Entertainment Technology Center. I would encourage each of you to listen to his speech. It is quite remarkable. It also encourages (at least it did for me) to consider what I would say.



Lorah said...

Very good. Thanks Cindy. I also lost a parent, my mother, to pancreatic cancer.

Lorah said...

I loved the direction to enable the dreams of others.