Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Toys are supposed to be fun -- not dangerous

Two senators propose a bill on the ban of all imported toys unless the importers can show proof that the toys passes safety tests performed by independent labs. I am absolutely stunned that this is still a major issue today. This class and all the recent recalls of tainted items from China have made me much more aware of the need to know the materials used in products and their country of origin. This message really hit home when I saw photos of some toys tainted with lead. They were High School Musical items! I would never have thought to worry about lead content in High School Musical jewelry or other items . . . before now. It is truly that expensive to keep our children safe? Items purchased in this country should live up to the supposed standards of this country. --And frankly, no mother in any country should have to watch her child suffer from the debilitating effects of lead poisoning for any reason -- but certainly not from playing with a toy!

We can check for recalled items at the following site: http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prerel.html

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