Sunday, October 7, 2007

Virtual Integrity: Do Online Students Cheat? The Remote Proctor

Software Secure is an educational testing software company that more than 300 academic institutions rely on to ensure academic integrity. Troy University has been testing out the company's Remote Proctor for use in proctoring exams, investing more than $40,000 in the venture. Priced around $150, the Remote Proctor verifies the test-taker's fingerprints, ensuring that they match the prints provided at registration. A 360-degree camera records the entire test-taking experience, ensuring that the student taking the exam is the same one providing the fingerprints. Some universities add on an additional protection, requiring students to hold up a picture ID, which is recorded by the camera.

I wonder what this experience feels like.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Its terrifying! I just finished my first exam using the remote proctor! Hope I don't get red flagged for coughing! =/